109 Science Words That Start With J

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Science is a fascinating field filled with diverse scientific terms. In this article, we focus on science words that start with J, which cover multiple disciplines such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Whether you’re a student or a science enthusiast, this list will broaden your science lexicon and deepen your understanding of key concepts.

Grade 5 Science Words That Start With J

At the Grade 5 level, science introduces basic concepts that are essential for further learning. These J words are simple yet vital for young learners.

JointsPlaces where two bones meet in the body.
JewelPrecious stone; metaphorically, something valuable in science.
JuiceLiquid from fruits or cells in living organisms.
JetA stream of liquid or gas moving fast in a specific direction.
JurassicA period in the dinosaur era during the Mesozoic age.
Jellyfishmarine animal with a soft, jelly-like body.
JupiterThe largest planet in our solar system; a gas giant.
JuvenileThe early stage of development in organisms.
JigsawRefers to interlocking pieces, like ecosystems fitting together.
JunctionA point where two or more paths or lines meet.
Jet propulsionMovement using thrust systems, common in aviation and rockets.
JouleA unit of energy in physics, related to work and thermodynamics.
Jovian planetsAnother term for gas giants, including planetary bodies like Jupiter.
Jet streamHigh-altitude currents of air in the atmosphere, studied in meteorology.
Joint painPain or swelling in bone structure, often linked to arthritis.
JettisonTo discard something, often in aerospace mechanics.
Junk DNAParts of DNA that don’t code for proteins but may have other roles.
Joule-Thomson effectthermodynamic principle where gas cools during expansion.
JuxtapositionThe side-by-side comparison of objects for study or contrast.

Grade 6 Science Words That Start With J

In Grade 6, students explore more specific scientific ideas. These terms expand their understanding of natural and physical sciences.

Jet PropulsionMovement using jet thrust.
Joule’s LawRelates heat and electricity.
Joule HeatingHeat generated by electric current.
Jet LagTiredness from long travel across time zones.
Jurassic PeriodEra with many dinosaurs.
Jovian PlanetsLarge gas planets like Jupiter.
JuxtapositionPlacing things next to each other for comparison.
Jellyfish StingPainful reaction from a jellyfish’s tentacle.
JawboneBone that forms the jaw.
Joule-Thomson EffectCooling of gases when they expand.
JatrophaPlant used for making biofuel.
Jacuzzi EffectWater swirling similar to a whirlpool.
JounceA quick and sharp movement.
Joint InflammationSwelling in the joints.
Jumbo JetA large passenger aeroplane.
Jupiter’s MoonNatural satellite of Jupiter.
Joule-Thomson CoefficientMeasures how gas changes as it expands.
Joule’s ExperimentExperiment that shows energy conservation.
Jet Engine DesignEngineering behind jet engines.
Jovian AtmosphereThe gases surrounding Jupiter and other gas giants.

Grade 7 Science Words That Start With J

As students advance, the complexity of concepts increases. Here are key terms for Grade 7.

Junctional ComplexStructures in cells that stick them together.
Juxtaposed GenesGenes placed near each other on chromosomes.
Joint Range of MotionHow far a joint can move.
Joule per MoleEnergy measurement related to molecules.
Jute FiberNatural fiber from jute plants.
Jovian MagnetosphereMagnetic field of Jupiter and gas giants.
J-shaped Growth CurveRapid growth graph shape.
Jet FuelSpecial fuel for jet engines.
Joule ExpansionGases expand as energy is added.
JurisdictionLegal authority or control.
Jumping GeneDNA segment that can move within the genome.
Jacobian MatrixA tool for solving calculus problems.
Jurassic FossilFossils from the Jurassic era.
Jumping SpiderA spider known for jumping.
Joule-Thomson InversionTemperature changes during gas expansion.
Joule-Kelvin EffectCooling effect during gas flow.
Juxtracrine SignalingDirect cell communication.
Jurka CellsHuman cells used in research.
Jet Stream PatternsFlow of high-altitude winds.
Juxtaglomerular ApparatusKidney structure that regulates blood pressure.
Jacobian DeterminantUsed in mathematical modeling.
Joint DisorderProblems that affect joint function.
Juxta positional Gene RegulationGenes influencing each other’s function.
Jensen’s InequalityConcept in probability theory.
Jobber SyndromeGenetic disorder affecting the brain.
Junction PotentialVoltage difference at a junction.
Jitter AnalysisTiming variability in signals.
Jet VelocitySpeed of fluid jets.
Java ProgrammingProgramming language for software development.
Joint MomentRotational force around a joint.

Grade 8 Science Words That Start With J

Grade 8 science encourages exploration of advanced scientific expressions, focusing on physics, biology, and earth sciences. These terms help students understand intricate natural phenomena.

Jet propulsionthrust system created by expelling gases, used in aircraft.
Joulemeasurement of energy in physics and thermodynamics.
JupiterThe largest planet, a gas giant in the solar system.
Jurassic Perioddinosaur era within the Mesozoic age, known for fossil records.
Jet streamHigh-altitude air currents affecting weather patterns.
Jovian planetsLarge planetary bodies, including Jupiter and Saturn.
Joule-Thomson effectgas cooling phenomenon during expansion.
JuvenileRefers to young stages in biological development.
Jellyfishmarine animal, studied in ocean sciences.
JettisonTo discard material, especially in aerospace mechanics.
Junk DNADNA with no known coding function, studied in genetics.
Jointbone structure that connects two bones, allowing movement.
JetA forceful stream of gas or liquid under pressure.
JunctionA point where two things meet, especially in electrical circuits.
Juvenile hormonesHormones regulating growth in certain insects.
JumpstartTo begin or activate something suddenly, often used metaphorically.
Jet propulsion engineAn engine relying on jet thrust for movement.
Jovian atmosphereThe atmospheric layers of Jupiter and similar planets.
Jellylike substanceA soft material found in biological or geological samples.

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Grade 9 Science Words That Start With J

In Grade 9, science introduces more technical vocabulary and dives deeper into areas like physics, chemistry, and environmental science. These terms are essential for scientific studies.

Jet propulsionflight propulsion system used in jets and rockets.
JouleA unit for measuring energy or work.
Jovian planetsThe gas giants of the solar system, such as Jupiter.
Jet streamHigh-altitude atmospheric winds crucial for meteorology.
Jurassic Perioddinosaur era characterized by the rise of giant reptiles.
JupiterThe largest planet, known for its massive storms like the Great Red Spot.
Joule-Thomson effectthermodynamic principle in gas expansion cooling.
Jellyfishmarine organism, often studied in ocean species research.
JunctionA connection point in electrical circuits or biological pathways.
JuvenileRefers to the young form of living organisms.
Junk DNANon-coding DNA with unknown or emerging functions.
Jet enginesEngines that use jet thrust for aircraft movement.
Jovian atmosphereThe gas composition surrounding Jupiter.
Jumpstart reactionA sudden chemical or biological process activation.
Jellylike layerFound in aquatic organisms or geological samples.
Jet fuelA specialized fuel for jet engines.
Joint inflammationSwelling in bone structures, often studied in medical science.
Jigsaw biologyA metaphor for understanding complex systems in life sciences.
Jupiter’s moonsThe natural satellites orbiting the planet Jupiter.

Physical Science Words That Start With J

This section focuses on terms relevant to physics and earth sciences.

JouleKey to understanding energy measurement.
Jet streamA powerful air current in the atmosphere.
Joule-Thomson effectExplains gas cooling during expansion.
JupiterKnown as a gas giant and Jovian planet.
JunctionA point of connection in electrical circuits.
Jet propulsionCommon in aviation propulsion systems.
Jigsaw fitCritical to understanding plate tectonics.
JettisonDisposing of unneeded mass in aerospace mechanics.
JuxtapositionPlacing elements side by side for scientific comparison.
JetA fast-moving flow of liquid or air.
JointStructure connecting two bones.
Joint painPain caused by arthritis or injury.
Junk DNAMisunderstood genetic material.
Jovian planetsGas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.
JuvenileRefers to the youth of an organism.
JewelRepresents high-value scientific discoveries.
Jellyfishmarine animal studied in marine biology.
JurassicPart of the prehistoric era, rich in fossils.

Biology Words That Start With J

Biology explores life processes and organisms, and many scientific terms beginning with “J” are used in genetics, anatomy, and ecology. These words are crucial for understanding biological systems.

Jellyfishmarine animal, part of the cnidarian group, known for its tentacles.
Jointbone structure where two bones meet, enabling movement.
Junk DNADNA sequences without known coding functions, found in all organisms.
JuvenileThe young or immature stage of an organism’s life cycle.
Juvenile hormonesHormones controlling growth in insects during development.
Jelly layerA protective, gelatinous layer in eggs or marine organisms.
Jigsaw biologyA term describing how interconnected systems form a whole.
Jumping genesMobile genetic elements capable of moving within the genome.
JaundiceA medical condition causing yellowing of skin due to liver dysfunction.
JawboneA bone in the skull supporting the mouth and teeth.
Jellylike cytoplasmThe gel-like substance inside cells that houses organelles.
JaguarA large predator, important in ecological balance in its habitat.
Juvenile stageEarly growth phase of animals or plants.
Jaw muscleMuscles enabling movement of the jaw for chewing and speaking.
Jelly coatA layer surrounding some eggs, aiding in fertilization.
Jet black featherDescribes the dark plumage of certain bird species, aiding in camouflage.
Jawless fishPrimitive aquatic organisms like lampreys and hagfish.
J-shaped curveA population growth pattern showing rapid increase.
Juniper berriesA seed cone important in ecosystems and traditional medicine.

Chemistry Words That Start With J

Chemistry involves studying matter and its interactions. Words starting with “J” in chemistry often relate to thermodynamics, energy, and physical processes.

Joulephysics unit for measuring energy or work.
Joule-Thomson effectgas cooling phenomenon due to expansion without heat exchange.
Jet fuelA specialized hydrocarbon fuel used for aircraft propulsion.
Jet propulsionThrust created by the expulsion of gases, studied in reaction mechanics.
Junk elementsImpurities in materials that impact their properties.
Joule per secondA unit for measuring power, equivalent to watts.
Jet black carbonA form of carbon used in industrial applications.
Junction potentialThe electrical potential difference at the interface of two substances.
Jellylike polymerA soft, flexible material with versatile uses in chemistry.
Jarring reactionA sudden or unexpected chemical interaction.
Jet streams in gasesHigh-speed flows of gas particles in specific conditions.
JellificationThe process of turning a liquid into a gel-like state.
J-shaped flaskA laboratory container for specific experiments.
Jet mixingA technique used to mix substances by high-speed fluid jets.
Joule heatingHeat generated when an electric current passes through a conductor.
Jellybean reactionA colorful chemical demonstration using reactants in a beaker.
Justified stabilityAchieving balance in a chemical reaction or compound.
Jumping moleculesRefers to the random motion of particles in kinetic theory.
Jet polymerizationA process for creating polymers through high-speed methods.


We’ve covered 109 science words that start with J, ranging from technical vocabulary like the Joule-Thomson effect to fascinating topics like Jet propulsion and Jovian planets. By mastering these terms, you can enhance your scientific knowledge and appreciation for the natural world. Keep exploring the beauty of science!

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