Top 101 Commonly Used Verbs That Start With R [2025]

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Verbs are the backbone of the English language, helping us communicate actions, states, and processes. In this guide, we’ll dive into verbs that start with R, providing an extensive list of verbs, their meanings, and practical examples. Whether you’re learning English or expanding your vocabulary, this verbs guide will help you navigate through action-packed words beginning with the letter “R.” Let’s explore these commonly used verbs and learn how to use them effectively!

Here are Some Verbs That Start with the Letter “R”

This list of R verbs includes everyday words you can use to express actions. These verbs are crucial in improving communication and writing.

Common R Verbs List:

  • Run – To move quickly on foot. Example: He runs to school every day.
  • Read – To look at and understand written words. Example: She reads a book every night.
  • Reach – To stretch out to touch or grab something. Example: He reached for the apple.
  • Relax – To rest or take it easy. Example: We relaxed by the pool.
  • Reflect – To think carefully or show an image. Example: The mirror reflects light.

Action Verbs Starting With R

RaceTo compete in a speed contest
RadiateTo emit energy, especially light or heat
RaiseTo lift or elevate
RallyTo gather for a common purpose
RambleTo walk or talk without a clear purpose
RankTo assign a position or grade
RateTo evaluate or assess
ReachTo extend or arrive at a goal
ReactTo respond to a stimulus
ReadTo interpret written or printed matter
RealizeTo become aware of
ReasonTo think logically
ReassureTo remove doubts or fears
RebuildTo construct again
RecallTo remember or bring back to mind
ReceiveTo get or accept something
RecognizeTo identify someone or something
RecommendTo suggest or advise
ReconcileTo restore friendly relations
RecordTo write or store information
RecruitTo enlist new members
ReduceTo make smaller or less
ReflectTo throw back light or think deeply
RefuseTo decline or reject
RegainTo recover possession or control
RegretTo feel sorrow or remorse
ReinforceTo strengthen or support
ReiterateTo repeat something for clarity
RejectTo dismiss or refuse to accept
RejoiceTo feel or show great joy
RelaxTo become less tense or anxious
RelyTo depend or count on
RelocateTo move to a new place
RemainTo stay in the same place or condition
RememberTo recall to mind
RemindTo cause someone to remember
RemoveTo take away or eliminate
RenderTo provide or give
RenewTo make new again
RepairTo fix or restore
ReplaceTo put something back
ReplyTo respond to a question or statement
ReportTo give an account of
RepresentTo stand for or symbolize
RequestTo ask for something
RescueTo save from danger
ResearchTo study systematically
ResignTo quit a job or position
ResistTo withstand or oppose
ResolveTo find a solution

Descriptive Verbs That Start With R

RespectTo show consideration or admiration
RespondTo reply or react
RestoreTo bring back to a former state
RestrictTo limit or confine
RetainTo keep possession of
RetireTo leave one’s job permanently
RetrieveTo get or bring back
ReturnTo come or go back
RevealTo make known
ReverseTo turn in the opposite direction
ReviseTo review or alter
RewardTo give something in return for effort
RideTo travel on or in a vehicle or animal
RiseTo move upwards
RiskTo expose to danger
RollTo move by turning over and over
RotateTo turn around a central point
RoundTo shape or make into a circle
RubTo apply pressure with a back-and-forth motion
RuleTo govern or control
RunTo move swiftly on foot
RushTo hurry
RustTo corrode or deteriorate
RallyTo recover or bounce back
RearrangeTo organize differently
ReassessTo evaluate again
ReconstructTo build again
RedefineTo define again
RediscoverTo find again
RedoTo do again
RefineTo improve by making small changes
ReformTo make changes for improvement
RefuelTo replenish with fuel
RegenerateTo grow again
RegisterTo record or enroll
RegulateTo control or manage
ReimburseTo pay back money
ReinvestTo put money back into use
RepayTo return money owed
RepeatTo say or do again
ReplaceTo substitute something
ReshapeTo form again differently
RevisitTo visit again
RewriteTo write again in a different way

Unique Verbs That Start With R

ReawakenTo wake up again
ReacquaintTo become familiar again
ReactivateTo make active again
ReadjustTo adjust again
RealignTo align differently
RebootTo restart
RechargeTo restore energy
RecommitTo commit again
ReconquerTo conquer again
ReconnectTo connect again
RecreateTo create anew
ReestablishTo set up again
ReevaluateTo assess again
ReexamineTo examine again
ReigniteTo start a fire again
ReinstateTo restore to a previous state
ReintegrateTo integrate again
ReinventTo invent again
RejoinTo join again
RekindleTo revive
RemodelTo change the structure of
RemoldTo shape again
RenovateTo restore to a better state
ReorientTo change direction
ReorganizeTo organize differently
ReprogramTo program again
ReproachTo express disapproval
ReproduceTo create again
RescheduleTo set a new time
ResettleTo settle again
ReshapeTo shape differently
RestructureTo organize differently
RevampTo improve or update
RevalueTo assess the value again
RevitalizeTo give new life to
RevolveTo move in a circular path
RevokeTo cancel officially
RewriteTo write again

READ MORE >>> Top 101 Commonly Used Verbs that Start with A

R Verbs: A Complete Overview

Verbs that start with “R” are essential in the English language, adding versatility and action to our sentences. These action words cover a wide range of meanings, from describing movements and emotions to highlighting processes and states of being. Below is an overview of how “R verbs” are used in everyday language, along with examples and types of verbs starting with “R.”

What Are R Verbs?

“R verbs” are simply verbs that begin with the letter “R.” They can describe actionsprocesses, or states of being. Examples include:

  • Run: To move quickly on foot.
  • Read: To interpret written text.
  • Rest: To relax or recover energy.

Types of R Verbs

  1. Action Verbs: These describe physical or mental actions.
    Examples: Run, Ride, Reach, Rebuild
  2. Helping Verbs: These verbs support the main verb in a sentence to form tenses, moods, or voices.
    Example: Reshould (though less common).
  3. Linking Verbs: These connect the subject with additional information.
    Example: Remain (e.g., “She remained calm.”)

Common Uses of R Verbs

  1. Daily Activities: Words like runrest, and read are frequently used to describe everyday actions.
  2. Motivational Contexts: Verbs such as riserefocus, and revive are used to inspire and encourage.
  3. Descriptive Writing: Use verbs like reflect or radiate to add depth to writing.

Examples of Sentences with R Verbs

  1. run every morning to stay fit.
  2. She read the letter with excitement.
  3. After a long day, we decided to rest.
  4. They rebuild old houses for the community.
  5. The sun radiates warmth on a chilly day.

Why Are R Verbs Important?

  • Enhance Vocabulary: They allow for more precise communication.
  • Improve Writing: Using varied verbs makes your writing more engaging.
  • Flexibility in Meaning: Many R verbs can have multiple meanings depending on the context (e.g., run can mean operating a machine or moving quickly).

Printable List of R Verbs

You can download a printable verb sheet to help you explore more verbs starting with “R.” A reference chart with their meanings and examples can be a handy tool for improving your vocabulary and grammar skills.

Verb Chart of R Verbs:

RunMove fast on footI run every morning.
RespectShow admiration for someoneThey respect their elders.
RebuildBuild againThe house was rebuilt after the storm.
RepairFix somethingCan you repair my bike?
RelaxBecome less tenseWe need to relax on weekends.

Use this printable verb list for quick reference when expanding your vocabulary.

Adverbs That Start with R for Kids

Adverbs modify verbs, making sentences more descriptive. Here are adverbs starting with “R” that kids can easily learn and use.


  • Rapidly – Moving fast. Example: The rabbit runs rapidly.
  • Rarely – Not often. Example: She rarely eats candy.
  • Regularly – At regular intervals. Example: He regularly exercises.

Kids can use these adverbs to enhance their language skills and create more engaging sentences.

What Are Some Vivid Words That Start with R?

Vivid words create strong imagery and add depth to writing. Here are some R-letter verbs that add excitement:

  • Roar – To make a loud sound. Example: The lion roars loudly.
  • Radiate – To emit energy or feelings. Example: Her smile radiates joy.
  • Rejoice – To feel or express great happiness. Example: We rejoice in their success.

These action words can make your writing more colorful and engaging.

Verbs That Start with R to Describe a Person

Certain verbs describe actions or qualities of people. These R-word actions reflect personality traits or behaviors:

  • Respect – To admire someone. Example: She respects her teachers.
  • Reassure – To comfort someone. Example: He reassured her after the bad news.
  • Represent – To act on behalf of someone. Example: She represents her team in the competition.

These verbs are great for describing people in writing and conversations.

Most Common Verbs That Start with R

Let’s look at the most common R verbs and their usage. This verbs manual highlights essential verbs for daily use.

ReachStretch to grab or touchHe reached the top shelf.
RentPay for temporary useThey rented a car for the trip.
RepeatSay or do againCan you repeat the question?
RunMove fastShe runs every morning.
RaiseLift somethingHe raised his hand to answer.

A Summary of the Top 10 Commonly Used Verbs That Start with R

Here is a quick summary of the top 10 verbs starting with R:

  1. Run – To move fast on foot.
  2. Read – To understand written text.
  3. Reach – To extend to touch something.
  4. Respect – To admire someone or something.
  5. Relax – To take it easy or rest.
  6. Reassure – To comfort or encourage someone.
  7. Rebuild – To construct again.
  8. Reflect – To think deeply or mirror something.
  9. Repair – To fix something broken.
  10. Rent – To pay for temporary use of something.

These commonly used verbs are essential for everyday communication.

What is a Positive Noun That Starts with R?

A positive noun conveys optimism or goodness. Here are examples:

  • Radiance – Brightness or positivity. Example: Her radiance lights up the room.
  • Reliability – Dependability. Example: His reliability makes him a great friend.

Pair these with verbs that start with R for rich, meaningful sentences.

Adverbs That Start with R

Here’s a broader list of adverbs starting with R:

  • Rapidly
  • Rarely
  • Regularly
  • Reluctantly
  • Rightfully

These R-related terms improve your writing by modifying verbs effectively.

What Attitude Starts with Letter R?

Attitudes that start with “R” include:

  • Resilient – Ability to recover quickly. Example: She is resilient in tough situations.
  • Respectful – Showing regard for others. Example: They are always respectful.

These R initial words are often linked to strong character traits.

Exploring the Enigmatic: A Compilation of Vibrant Verbs Beginning with R

Let’s explore unique verbs with R that stand out:

  • Rejuvenate – To restore energy. Example: The vacation rejuvenated him.
  • Revolutionize – To bring significant change. Example: The invention revolutionized technology.
  • Reinforce – To strengthen. Example: They reinforced the building after the earthquake.

Use these vibrant verbs to make your writing more compelling.

How Do You Identify R Verbs in a Sentence?

To spot R-word verbs, look for action or state words starting with “R.” For example:

  • Sentence: She runs daily.
  • Identified verb: Runs (action).

Use context to determine if the word is functioning as a verb.

Things That Start with R with Their Meanings

Here’s a quick reference list of things starting with R:

RainbowA natural spectrum of colors
RiverA flowing body of water
RingA circular band
RoseA type of flower
RoadA pathway for travel

Activities That Help in Teaching Words That Start with R for Kids

Teaching kids words that start with R can be fun with these activities:

  1. Word Matching: Match R verbs with their definitions.
  2. Story Creation: Use R words in short stories.
  3. Printable Verb Sheets: Provide kids with verb charts for practice.

These activities make learning R alphabet verbs engaging.

List of Cool Words That Start with R

Here’s a list of “cool” words beginning with R:

  • Radiate
  • Roar
  • Rejoice
  • Reflect
  • Rejuvenate

Add these to your word categories to enrich your vocabulary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a verb starting with R?
A verb starting with “R” is run. It’s one of the most common and versatile verbs in the English language, often used to describe movement or action.

What is a word for an action that starts with R?
A great action word that starts with “R” is read. It’s a positive and engaging verb often associated with learning and gaining knowledge.

What are motivational verbs that start with R?
Motivational verbs starting with “R” include:

  • Reach – Inspires striving for goals.
  • Rise – Encourages overcoming challenges.
  • Refocus – Motivates getting back on track.
  • Revive – Brings a sense of renewal and energy.

What are words that start with an R?
Some general words starting with “R” are:

  • Respect
  • Resilient
  • Radiant
  • Resourceful
  • Reliable

What are 50 words that start with R?
Here’s a quick selection of 50 words:
Run, Read, Reach, Rise, Revive, Respect, Radiate, Rest, Relate, Repeat, Rebuild, Repair, Recruit, Relax, Rejoice, Restore, Rent, Reflect, Recognize, Rearrange, Regain, Rebuild, Recreate, Remain, Resist, Respond, Recharge, Resume, Reassure, Revisit, Retain, Revamp, Rotate, Reward, Reinforce, Reassess, Redirect, Reignite, Rewrite, Reform, Refine, Remove, Realize, Record, Reduce, Replace, Retire, Retreat, Rear, and Rework.

What is the positive word of R?
A positive word that starts with “R” is Resilient. It reflects strength, the ability to bounce back, and a positive outlook despite challenges.


The English verb list starting with R is vast and full of potential for improving your language skills. Use these categorized verbs in daily communication to sound more fluent and expressive. Don’t forget to explore more with a printable verb sheet for continued learning. Happy exploring!

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